poniedziałek, 31 sierpnia 2015

You are asking... Coke

Is it really that bad?

One can of coke have around 10 tsp of sugar. If you eat 10 tsb of sugar at once its highly possible that you will vomit. Why than you are not after coke? Its because of phosphoric acid inside which is covering super sweet taste. The same acid is responsible for the coke cleaning properties. 

One can of coke: 36,9 gram of sugar.
Can of coke everyday and you are drinking 134,685 KG !! sugar per year !!

photo from chceznactwojezdanie.bloog.pl

Did you ever thought what you can do with coke?

Let me surprise you :)

Removes stains from grease from clothes and furniture
Cleans burned pots and pans (fill them Coke and wait a couple of hours)
Removes stone from the kettle (pour Coke inside and wait a couple of hours)
It acts as a polishing agent , eg . to old coins
Removes sludge from floor tiles
Removes a stone from the toilet bowl

and a lot of more...

Still want a can? :) 

PS. When I had a stomach bug my mum was giving me few tbsp of coke. It was really helping! Maybe because of phosphoric acid or maybe dissolved all that was causing my problems. Quite interesting treatment, don't you think?

NHS "Do diet soft drinks actually make you gain weight?"
Health.com "10 Reasons to Give Up Diet Soda"

niedziela, 30 sierpnia 2015

You are asking... Energy Drinks

There is still not enough research about energy drinks and their impact on our health. When you look into a label you can find there sweeteners, sugar and very high level of caffeine. The last one is easily to overdose.

It is proven that Energy drinks are addictive, they are increasing risk of obesity due to high sugar (sweetener) content. Acid PH and high sugar can cause teeth erosion or hypersensitivity.

Energy drinks cause more forceful heart contractions, which could be harmful to some with certain heart conditions.  In 2013 American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans, found that drinking one to three energy drinks could mess with your heart rhythm and increase your blood pressure.

Because many energy drinks are also very high in sugar, they can eventually wear out the insulin producing cells of the pancreas, which leads to type 2 diabetes.

Below you can find a ways how to boost energy for all day. Totally natural J

Super power from Breakfast

Take a time, sit down and give yourself a time to eat your breakfast first thing on the morning.  Pay attention what you eat, how and how long. Give yourself time to celebrate first meal.

Eat banana

So simply, so healthy. It a fuel source for athletes, the banana contains antioxidants, carbs, and fiber that keeps you full on very few calories. It also contains potassium, a key ingredient for sustained energy.


As its quite common to have a low levels of iron (specially woman’s), Kale is an answer. High in iron and loaded with antioxidant.

Stay hydrated

Most of us are coffee and tea drinkers. What we are forgetting that caffeine is in both of it. When you want to drink 2L of water it means pure water. Caffeine can causing dehydration.


Full in potassium, vitamin C, Beta Carotene. One slice is valid to one glass of water! Delicious!

Simple Coffee

1-2 cups maximum. One cup on the morning without sugar ;) add coconut or almond milk and discover a new taste J

Front. Public Health. October 2014 "Energy drink consumption in Europe: a review of the risks, adverse health effects, and policy options to respond"
Caffeineinformer.com "Top 10 Energy Drink Dangers"
mensfitness.com "New Study: Do Energy Drinks Affect Your Heart Health?"
Health.com "11 Ways to Boost Your Energy With Food"

photos from Pixabay.com

niedziela, 16 sierpnia 2015

You are asking... Healthy Snack


  • contains more calcium than other nuts
  • 30% daily need for wit E
  • with their skins provide 40% fiber more than without

Dried Apricots

  • from just 8 of them you will get16% your daily need for iron
  • 8 of them its just 100 kcal (64 gram)
  • tip: please choose those without sulphur dioxide, specially if you have asthma


  • they are rich in vitamin C
  • you need to ate 330 gram to rich 100 kcal 

Sunflower Seeds

  • high in potassium, magnesium, iron
  • eat with green leaves as fat in seeds improve absorption of carotenoids from leaves 
  • 1 tbsp = around 100 kcal


  • rich in antioxidants (related with memory, heart health, eyesight and blood sugar control)
  • 230 gram = around 100 kcal - still juz 1/4 of the maximum sugar per day (23g sugar in 250g)

Cashew Nuts

  • 10 nuts = 15 gram = 100 kcal
  • 30% of daily need for copper
  • please when you are choosing nuts, take those without salt (!)


  • 400 gram = 100 kcal 
  • 66% of your daily vitamin B need
  • tip: you can puree them and add 2 tbsp natural yogurt  and freeze it as a lolly :)

Weetabix with 100 ml skimmed milk

photo from Wikipedia

  • its around 100 kcal
  • add vegetable milk to avoid lactose or dairy
  • this have less than 1% of daily maximum amount of sugar
  • tip: add strawberry to improve intake of iron from cereal


  • 1 banana = 120 gram = 100kcal
  • potassium, vitamin B6

I hope it give you some examples of healthy snacks :) I know there is a thousands more. Just make healthy choices :)
I'm waiting for your emails with questions. I still have some to publish ! Please be patient :)

Thank you 

poniedziałek, 3 sierpnia 2015

Obesity genes? Excuse or fact?

I often hear about the genes that they are responsible for someone's obesity or overweight. Is that true? Is it possible to have the obesity gene?

Yes and no.

Our parents and their parents nutrition behavior has an impact on how it will look also in our future. Mainly by the pattern which we took from them but also some people have a genetic predisposition to gain weight faster. It is a scientifically proven.
This does not mean that you can now sit back, open a bag of chips, a box of ice cream sipping Fanta - and so because nothing can be done! Fortunately, there is such a thing as the expression of genes. And that's what we can control. We can silence our genes through appropriate treatment of our body.

What does it mean? This means that a balanced diet and exercise will allow our genome stay dormant.
What this also mean? Inactive genes are not moving forward to the next generation. Research indicates that if the women in her life( despite the genetic predisposition) is taking care of her body – there is a huge chance that silenced gene will not show up at all with her future kids.

Even if in the past, your nutrition was not ideal. Although If you grew up in a family where from generations fat is eating with a carbohydrate and sugar in large quantities and with a second additional portion. This does not mean that you have no chance for a better life. By allowing yourself to give a chance to a win also for the next generations! I know how it is hard to win with temptation and habits. Give yourself a chance. Believe in yourself.


“DNA project to make UK world genetic research leader” James Gallagher, BBC Health
“Healthy Weight” Harvard T.H. Chan of Public Health Nutrition
“Genes Are Not Destiny” Harvard T.H. Chan of Public Health Nutrition
“Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny” John Cloud , TIME

niedziela, 2 sierpnia 2015

Small people in your life

I would like to show you something. I found this video when I was looking for motivation about believing.

It's so important to not being surrounded with small people. Unfortunately, usually small people they are your closest ones. You can say: no! You can say: I'm not allow you to drag me down! And finally you will feel a relief. If you will break free of their influence. I know its hard, I know its difficult, but its your life. You need to live it fully.

Change its not a easy and quick process but I believe in you xx

sobota, 1 sierpnia 2015

I will tell you my story...

I will tell you my short story.
I was always interested in Nutrition. I started my journey with master degree in Dietetics on Gdynia Maritime University.This was a good introduction and beginning for my adventure.
I have also certificate of Dietetics - principles of nutrition and meal planning.

Recently I passed my exam and now I can boast of new qualification as Nutritional Therapist :)))

I would like to show you how enjoyable nutrition can be ;)

I hope you have a lovely weekend, see you soon again :)