poniedziałek, 31 sierpnia 2015

You are asking... Coke

Is it really that bad?

One can of coke have around 10 tsp of sugar. If you eat 10 tsb of sugar at once its highly possible that you will vomit. Why than you are not after coke? Its because of phosphoric acid inside which is covering super sweet taste. The same acid is responsible for the coke cleaning properties. 

One can of coke: 36,9 gram of sugar.
Can of coke everyday and you are drinking 134,685 KG !! sugar per year !!

photo from chceznactwojezdanie.bloog.pl

Did you ever thought what you can do with coke?

Let me surprise you :)

Removes stains from grease from clothes and furniture
Cleans burned pots and pans (fill them Coke and wait a couple of hours)
Removes stone from the kettle (pour Coke inside and wait a couple of hours)
It acts as a polishing agent , eg . to old coins
Removes sludge from floor tiles
Removes a stone from the toilet bowl

and a lot of more...

Still want a can? :) 

PS. When I had a stomach bug my mum was giving me few tbsp of coke. It was really helping! Maybe because of phosphoric acid or maybe dissolved all that was causing my problems. Quite interesting treatment, don't you think?

NHS "Do diet soft drinks actually make you gain weight?"
Health.com "10 Reasons to Give Up Diet Soda"

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