niedziela, 16 sierpnia 2015

You are asking... Healthy Snack


  • contains more calcium than other nuts
  • 30% daily need for wit E
  • with their skins provide 40% fiber more than without

Dried Apricots

  • from just 8 of them you will get16% your daily need for iron
  • 8 of them its just 100 kcal (64 gram)
  • tip: please choose those without sulphur dioxide, specially if you have asthma


  • they are rich in vitamin C
  • you need to ate 330 gram to rich 100 kcal 

Sunflower Seeds

  • high in potassium, magnesium, iron
  • eat with green leaves as fat in seeds improve absorption of carotenoids from leaves 
  • 1 tbsp = around 100 kcal


  • rich in antioxidants (related with memory, heart health, eyesight and blood sugar control)
  • 230 gram = around 100 kcal - still juz 1/4 of the maximum sugar per day (23g sugar in 250g)

Cashew Nuts

  • 10 nuts = 15 gram = 100 kcal
  • 30% of daily need for copper
  • please when you are choosing nuts, take those without salt (!)


  • 400 gram = 100 kcal 
  • 66% of your daily vitamin B need
  • tip: you can puree them and add 2 tbsp natural yogurt  and freeze it as a lolly :)

Weetabix with 100 ml skimmed milk

photo from Wikipedia

  • its around 100 kcal
  • add vegetable milk to avoid lactose or dairy
  • this have less than 1% of daily maximum amount of sugar
  • tip: add strawberry to improve intake of iron from cereal


  • 1 banana = 120 gram = 100kcal
  • potassium, vitamin B6

I hope it give you some examples of healthy snacks :) I know there is a thousands more. Just make healthy choices :)
I'm waiting for your emails with questions. I still have some to publish ! Please be patient :)

Thank you 

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